Fiance Visa

Here is the process I went through in order to obtain my fiance visa:

1. Gather all needed documentation. Here’s a good list of stuff that you’ll need:

2. Fill out application online: . Your specific visa selection will be ‘Settlement’ then ‘Marriage’. It is at the end of this online form that you pay the fee and schedule the biometrics appointment as well.

3. Attend Biometrics.

4.  Purchase priority service for settlement visa from Worldbridge.

4. Send off your documents with your Worldbridge reference code written on the outside of the envelope. These documents must arrive at the Consulate within 14 Calendar days of your Biometrics appointment, this is why you should have all of your paperwork together before you complete the onine application.

5. Wait.  With the priority service, your visa should be processed within 15 days of the consulate receiving your application and documentation.

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