Back to Brixham

This weekend Dan and I packed up the Clio(I keep forgetting we have a car now, Dan suggested we go out for fish and chips for dinner the other night and I immediately starting going through bus routes in my head) and headed to Brixham to visit Dan’s dad, George, and Pam.  The weather wasn’t looking very nice during our drive, there was thick fog and rain on and off.  When we got to Brixham there seemed to be some spots of sunshine and that’s mostly how the rest of weekend went weatherwise, sunny one minute, gray and wet the next.

After some initial visiting, we all got into the car and headed to Dartmoor for some hiking up a rock face.  Not as strenuous as my last Dartmoor outing, but it was super windy at the top of Haytor.

As you can see here by the way Dan’s and my jacket are plastered to our bodies (also note my lovely floral flats, the perfect rock climbing footwear…).  As always, the views were absolutely gorgeous despite the gray skies.

After our hike, we stopped into a B&B called the Rock Inn for a drink.  On the way back to George and Pam’s, George also took us on a little detour for some farm brewed cider 🙂

This stuff definitely isn’t Strongbow.

After dinner, we wandered down to the Brixham harbor to check out the night life in the pubs.  Unfortunately the first pub we went into had some large elderly “folk music” singer who only knew the chorus line of Knocking On Heaven’s Door and talked like Elvis, needless to say we quickly finished our drinks and left.

(Saw this Harley in the harbor so had to get a pic for you, Dad!  I like the pig on the front.)

The next pub we went to was a typical old style English pub, hundreds of chamber pots, key rings, and whiskey jugs hanging from the ceiling, little neurotic dog chasing his ball under the tables, parrot in the corner, and the bartender, Pat, wearing pearls and smoking a cigarette behind the bar.

The next day we went to Dartington, which was definitely my favorite part of the trip.  Dartington is home to a specialist arts intuition, we were able to visit some of the galleries while were there, notably the beautiful glass work.

After the glass gallery, we went to Dartington Hall where a literary fair was going on and wandered around the grounds.

It felt so surreal walking through the trees (especially the gigantic oak trees) surrounded by flowers and green.

It was just like out of a story book, definitely an atmosphere for promoting the creative process.

George and Pam also sent us off with a lovely set of patio furniture for our new garden.  Hopefully, Dan and I will be able to sit outside in our garden and enjoy some sunshine (wishful thinking for a bit of summer weather?).  Moving out is fast approaching and August is going to be a crazy busy month with moving into the new flat and that other thing that is happening in August…

About Mandy

29 year old, somewhat snarky, happily married, and always on the look out for a good recipe or latest beauty bargain.
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4 Responses to Back to Brixham

  1. Judy Adamson says:

    I’m really looking forward to the “other thing”. It’s been a long time since we have seen you – can’t wait! Take care!

    Auntie Judy A.

  2. Shirley Grannes says:

    Hi Mandy & Dan,
    Sounds like you had a great time. We just got home from the lake – We have been having
    real summer weather – between 90 & 100 degrees F. every day. Sounds like you could
    use a little of that warmth! Grandpa went fishing; caught a dozen sunnies the size of small
    dinner plates. Hope we can still find some when you come.
    We will see you soon!
    Love Ya!
    Grandma & Grandpa

    • penguinspam says:

      I am looking forward to some real summer weather when we get there! It’s actually quite sunny here today, but has been overcast for most of the week. Can’t wait for some relaxation at the cabin!

      Love you!

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